Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Beatles - White Album

I'm not sure there are adequate words for my true love for this record..If you can believe this little factoid's original release ddate was Nov 22, 1968. Sounds just as fresh and innovative today as it did ALMOST 40 YEARS AGO.. I was 10 when this came funny is that!!!!!!!!!!

If you read some of the is not known as one of their best projects..the beginnings of the band breaking up..Yoko hanging around...blah blah, blah.....doesn't mean anything to me...I drove my best friend to college in Conneticut in the late summer of 1976 and we listened to the entire album (8 track...hahahahahaha)on the's too great in the memory department to be objective about it's I think the songs are just wonderful!!..all of them except Revolution#9 (purple microdot incident...nuff said)

I still love it!!!


eccentric recluse said...

Wow! I have owned two LP copies of this work, plus the CD and haven't listened to it for a while, (probably not in this century. I shall begin again in the morning.

Don't suppress the microdot thing, surely the experience has halped you to cope with the age that we live in now...

leelee said...

ha ha microdot days are long gone, thankfully and am happy to report I am amazingly none the worse for wear...still not a fan of revolution #9 however....

YES DO...GO LISTEN's a great album..but then again YOU knew that!!

leelee said...


puerileuwaite said...

This is an enigmatic album. So much talent, creativity and dysfunctionality in one package.

The songs on it that I really liked when I was younger have fallen out of favor, and now I prefer the more "obscure" ones.

Then you have the different forces at work. The misguided Manson interpretations, the Eastern Mysticism, the rise of Yoko, and the beginning of the end.

BTW, "Purple Microdot Incident" would be a kooky band name.

leelee said...

:-) P

you pretty much nailed it!