Friday, May 04, 2007

Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hangin' On

Probably one of the best covers of all time....and undoubtedly the anthem for many a lost relationship (me included)

OK...carve out 7 minutes of your time for this and lets go back to 1967...Peace.


puerileuwaite said...

Well I sure am glad that I never lost a relationship. Sure, perhaps I've "misplaced" a few, but who hasn't? And you hope someone does the right thing and turns it in for the reward money, but we all know THAT never happens. And then of course there's those times where one goes rooting though the "Lost and Found" bin, just to see if something in there is clean and attractive enough to claim. But it's always a soiled mitten or a smelly winter cap. This tune is an excellent "on hold" selection, BTW.

puerileuwaite said...
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leelee said...

"But it's always a soiled mitten or a smelly winter cap."

that's so sad...

and yet your comment was so amusing P. :-)

puerileuwaite said...

Not to worry, Leelee. Pure fiction. I actually WAS lamenting the fact that there's never anything good to pilfer from "Lost and Found" bins.

leelee said...

lol..I know Pug..just the vision of that soiled mitten just struck a have no idea why

eccentric recluse said...

This is coincidental. While perusing the various posters and flyers that litter the halls and floor of a local venue, I saw a notice for ........ yep, you guessed it, Vanilla Fudge, playing a local festival about 100 miles from here sometime in July....

crazy the way little references from the subconcious come up all at once...

leelee said...

Well ER..I always feel that you should pay attention to those little references..and head to that festival in July...sounds like a fun time :-) Heck the music will be good..
