Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ladies Of The Canyon - Joni Mitchell

Perfect for a lazy Sunday morning. I even made pancakes!

This is an early work by Joni - 1970..very ethereal. Lilting piano, fine guitar playing, amazing vocals, and lyrics that speak to me. How can you go wrong with one album that contains:

The Circle Game
Rainy Night House
Big Yellow Taxi
For Free

I just feel peaceful when I listent to this album ~sigh~


puerileuwaite said...

I LOVE Joni Mitchell.

leelee said...

why does that NOT surprise me.


eccentric recluse said...

I confess that I have always admired the lady more than I listened to her. My main exposure was about the time of "Miles of Aisles" & "Court & Spark", albums that were traded around and taped in my own circle of friends. On your recomendation, I am listening to "Ladies of the Canyon" as I type, some nice phrasing in there.

Thanks for the suggestion!

leelee said...


A number of songs from LOTC are on Miles Of Aisles. I actually like Rainy Night House better on MOA.

Glad you're listening...check out Joni's BLUE sometime...amazing album.